A Plum-headed Gathering


The collective noun for finches is a ‘Charm’. I find them exactly that - charming little busy birds that add such character and conversation to the work I do. I love their size and shape and the wide variety of species with such different colour palettes and patterning.

I created A Plum-headed Gathering using a combination of coil and slab hand building using white raku clay, stained with oxides and decorated with the Mishima technique of inlaying slip into carved design areas.  I have used layers of oxide-tinted clays, organic mark making and considered surface designs to tell the story of a charm of plum heads who have gathered to examine and discuss what might happening to their vessel. It appears it’s being unpicked and revealing something new - but what could it be?

This vessel measures 27cm high x 24cm wide at it’s widest point.